Dawn Davis-Westra

Top Real Estate Agent in Colorado Dawn Davis-Westra
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When it comes to knowing the ins and outs of real estate, top real estate agent in Colorado Dawn Davis-Westra is the expert so many people in the Denver area turn to. Her resume is extensive; she’s held positions at the Bureau of Reclamation, at Mason McDuffie Mortgage Company, was the Chief Property Officer at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and later, became the Operations Director for multi-family housing in Denver.
She started out as a clerk and ended her career in the top 10% of the federal workforce; impressive, to say the least. “When I worked for Housing and Urban Development (HUD), I managed appraisers, inspectors, and underwriters, which really gave me the whole tool kit to completely understand the real estate industry,” says Dawn.
However, when she retired in 2011 at the age of 55, Dawn says, “I wasn’t quite ready to quit! I’d always envied Realtors® and how they were able to make their own schedules. They always seemed like they were having a really good time at what they did and I decided that’s what I wanted to do. So I got licensed in 2012 and the rest is history!”
Today, Dawn is a Realtor/Broker Associate at Cherry Creek Properties, LLC, and couldn’t be happier with her job than she is now, especially when it involves helping her clients find their perfect fit. “That’s the most rewarding aspect; to walk into a home where the client just knows it’s the one, and then work really hard work and negotiate to make it happen for them. In this competitive market, we often have to put in multiple offers, so when I can help my clients get the house of their dreams, it’s great.”
Dawn credits much of her success simply to being able to fully focus on each individual client. “I’m fortunate because I don’t need the commission to put a roof over my family’s head or put food on the table, so I can make it all about clients and their needs and desires. Sometimes I sacrifice financial gain in order to win over their confidence and I’m grateful for that,” says Dawn. “If you don’t have their trust, you don’t have anything. I make it clear to my clients that I always have their best interests at heart.”
Top real estate agent in Colorado Dawn Davis-Westra frequently goes above and beyond what is expected of her, which is why so many of her clients are happy to refer her. “I’m available whenever they need me, whether it’s via phone call, text or email…but usually by texting! A lot of my clients are first-time buyers who are fairly young and prefer to text rather than talk on the phone,” Dawn says with a laugh. “But I have grown kids who are the same way, so I get it, and they appreciate that.”
In her spare time, Dawn enjoys spending time with friends, family and her husband, Michael. “We love to golf, hike and travel. We have two timeshares in Cabo San Lucas, so we like to get away and stay there as often as we can,” says Dawn. She also looks forward to devoting more time to her community. “I want to focus on my neighborhood because it’s quickly changing from affordable, to very unaffordable, so working with city council to keep the neighborhood diverse is one of my goals.”
As for the future of her business, Dawn is content with her practice for now, although she does foresee bringing in a transaction coordinator soon. “With my presence on Zillow, I’m getting busier so, eventually, I would like to establish a small team of agents who will work and handle clients the way I do,” says Dawn. I want to keep my business small, because I always want to focus on my clients and what’s important to them.”
For more information about top real estate agent in Colorado Dawn Davis-Westra of Cherry Creek Properties, LLC, please visit www.ccpre.com, call 303.999.8631 or email dawndw56@gmail.com
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