Your Open House Profit Kit

Through the years, I have discovered that more and more agents are fearful of meeting face to face. Some agents hoped that technology would put a barrier between them and rejection, but all they found was a smaller income.
The top earners still know how to find what people need and give it to them. Some of my top coaching clients are actually doing a few open houses to re-introduce themselves, face-to-face, with the neighborhoods that made them famous.
Below are the processes to add profit to your Sunday endeavor:
The agent chooses a great house with good visibility. The sellers are counseled as to what it means to have a house ready to show. The agent cures his/her resentment in giving up family, fun, faith, friends, and food by setting a goal to receive at least five good leads from the open house.
The agent advertises in social media and the newspaper, and they also send invitations to the neighbors. Hopefully, this was the first open house in a long time on this property.
Upon arriving, he/she parks across the street as to leave plenty of room for others arriving to see the home. Five to fifteen directional signs are placed at nearby corners along with signage at the front of the house with flags to make the property inviting.
Each guest is greeted with a simple greeting — “Thank you for coming. Are you buyers or sellers?” If they are buyers or sellers, they are given clipboards with appropriate forms to provide value. The guests are given the opportunity to walk through the home and complete their value-filled checklist. The agent spends more time with potential buyers and sellers than the professional open house attendees. At the end of the three hour stint, the top agent calls it a profitable day by meeting that goal of five leads.
Here is the open house kit that you will need in your trunk so you are ready for to survive your occasional “rock the neighborhood” tour.
1. Brochures
2. Dream Home search form for buyers or sellers wanting to
be educated about this neighborhood
3. Pre-listing consultation form for sellers
4. The free 24-hour phone value analysis form
5. All flyers on all your listings
6. Music
7. Air freshener
8. Contracts/ZIP form
9. Mock listing file for that seller who is ready to go
10. Laptop/tablet and printer
11. Open house display cards
12. Resume
13. Flags at property line
14. Home warranty information
15. Original plans, if available
16. Fireplace gas key
17. Business cards
18. Guest cards
19. Vanilla
20. Specific financing sheet
21. Ten clip boards
22. Counteroffers
23. Buyers/sellers net sheet
24. Table, chairs, and toilet paper, if vacant
25. Busy work
26. Lead sheets
27. Maps of local area
28. Put all valuables away
29. Flame logs
By Walter Sanford