Sheree Frazier

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Top Real Estate Agent in Florida Sheree Frazier

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Top Real Estate Agent in Florida Sheree Frazier

With more than three decades of experience under her belt, Sheree Frazer – of NextHome All American in Debary, Florida – is the very definition of a “top agent.” Knowledgeable, enthusiastic and possessing an unflagging work ethic, Sheree has built an incredibly successful business on a foundation of honesty, integrity and a true concern for the wellbeing of her many grateful buyers and sellers.

Sheree Frazier, who cites her deep and abiding Christian faith as another foundation of her success, began her journey in real estate in 1987.  “I was a single mother,” recalls Sheree, “and I had a job selling fine art at a gallery in Winter Park. I was moved to get my real estate license because I had two small sons and I needed a job with more flexibility.” However, she soon learned that a reliable car – one with four doors – was a necessity to take buyers out looking at homes, back before the internet minimized the need to visit a large number of homes in a single day.

“I was strapped for cash, and driving a small, two-door Honda Civic,” recalls Sheree. “I decided to ask my sister, who was fairly well-off, if I could borrow $5,000 to purchase a used sedan. The first thing she said to me was, ‘I can’t in good conscience lend you that much money for a used car,’ and I was kind of taken aback. But then she added, ‘I’m just going to give you $10,000 to buy a new car. I don’t think I can ever adequately convey how grateful I am to Paula and her husband John. It was that car that enabled me to launch my career, and I’m forever grateful to them both.”

Eventually signing on with Coldwell Banker, her supervisor informed her that she had to sell a million dollars in her first year if she wished to remain with the company. Furthermore, as it was December, that same supervisor also told her it would be almost impossible to sell a home that close to Christmas. With the power of prayer – and a chain reaction of three homes sold – Sheree Frazier pulled off the astonishing feat of selling $1.3 million that month and was not only allowed to keep her job, she was provided with her own office.

Thus, a stellar career was born that has since grown exponentially year after year. “If someone tells you that you can’t do something,” says Sheree, “don’t believe them. With the Lord All things are possible.” Every year since, in fact, Sheree has had a busy and successful December.

Eventually, Sheree segued into selling vacation ownership for the Embassy Suites, next to Disney World, another venture where she found great success. After the tragedy of 9/11, however, tourism in Florida dropped precipitously, and Sheree was forced to regroup and refashion her career, which she did successfully by partnering up with legendary builder St. Joe’s then-brand-new development Victoria Park, upon an invitation from that company’s Vice President at the time. “I’ve been selling homes in Victoria Park for over twenty years now,” says Sheree. “I’ve been here since the inception of the community.”

Currently, the lion’s share of Sheree Frazier’s business is based upon referrals and positive word of mouth, which is perhaps the most accurate barometer of an agent’s abilities in the highly competitive world of real estate. “I think it’s really all about experience,” says Sheree, when asked how she has managed to keep her clients coming back to her over and over again, and continually referring their friends and family.

“That experience allows me to walk my clients through the process, making certain they understand every detail of what is likely the largest purchase or sale of their lives.” Expert and comprehensive marketing strategies also factor into her continuing success story, as do her unparalleled negotiating skills. The appreciation her clients feel for Sheree is perhaps best illustrated by the dozens of effusive reviews she has garnered on, on which site she holds a perfect, overall five-star rating.

While Sheree Frazier may have achieved a phenomenal level of success, gratitude is foremost in her heart. When speaking with her, one can’t help but be aware of the deep appreciation she holds for the many friends and family who have helped her and supported her during her long career. This includes her husband, four children, 2 step-children and seventeen grandchildren, Joe and Maria Saraco, the former owners of her company when it was still a Century 21, and their adult children Frank and Teresa.

It was they who arranged the funeral for Sheree’s oldest son Ryan when he suffered a heart attack in 2017, and it was Frank who delivered the eulogy, an act of kindness that Sheree will always be truly grateful for as well as the support from her husband and friends. That gratitude continues for the Saraco’s, and it was Teresa who took over the business for their parents and re-christened it NextHome All American.

When she’s not working, Sheree Frazier is an ardent philanthropist who supports multiple charitable and community organizations, including The Volusia County Women Who Care and The Freedom Foundation in their efforts to provide scholarships for students. She is also the owner of two Dachshunds, hilariously named Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Sheree enjoys nothing more, however, than spending time with her husband James and their large and growing family. She enjoys recounting the story of how she and her husband found themselves a couple. “My son, John and his high school friend Erin kept insisting that I meet Erin’s dad, who was also single and very picky about who he chose to date,” Sheree recalls, smiling. “I put them off for a while, but eventually gave in and went on a blind date. It was on that first date that we started planning our wedding; he is the love of my life and we’ve been married for twenty-two years this month.”

“As an agent,” says Sheree Frazier, “I am focused on delivering unsurpassed, professional real estate services and insights to help my clients make informed home buying and selling decisions. I embrace those goals, and that has kept me ranked among the top producers in Central Florida for decades. I honestly love what I do for a living.”

For more information about Top Real Estate Agent in Florida Sheree Frazier:

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Florida Real Estate Agent Sheree Frazier


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