Dax Tobin

Top Mortgage Lender in Nevada Dax Tobin
In 2003, Dax Tobin had a successful career as a financial advisor, when a friend began recruiting him to join the mortgage industry. “It was a pretty tough decision, initially. I was on a high net worth team in Newport Beach at the time. Just thinking long-term, it made sense to get back to the area that I loved, Las Vegas, on a personal and a professional level. The industry was booming at the time, so I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity, and it’s been a great decision.”
For the last 18 months Dax has been with Supreme Lending, where he has a team, in addition to being a Branch Manager. Supreme Lending is one of the premier direct lenders in the area. “We cover all the bases here, with a well-balanced offering. With my background, I personally excel when it comes to helping high net worth clients and those in complicated situations. I’m really comfortable speaking with CPAs and financial planners, so we can successfully put together investment portfolios for clients. I have a fair number of clients with multiple investments who want an overall game plan. I’m particularly adept at getting borrowers with complicated financial structures qualified. Of course, I do all types of loans, but that’s definitely my specialty.” Dax is licensed in California and Nevada and sources 100% of his business from repeat clients and referral’s from those clients as well as business partners, including Realtors, CPA’s, Attorney’s and Financial Planners.
Key to Dax’s success has been the time he takes with each client upfront, really getting to know every aspect of their financial situation including their short and long-term goals, so he can come up with the best solution for them. “From the start, I want to ensure that they’re getting the right advice, and that I’m getting everything I need, so that when I give them a pre-approval, it’s as solid as possible. This isn’t just spending a few minutes on the phone with a call center where the computer spits out an answer. I’m asking the right questions, and digging down deep into their situation. I take the time to get a detailed application and all the relevant documents. I believe it’s important to meet with clients in person, going through the entire process, and making sure they understand how everything works from beginning to end. When I give a pre-approval, everyone involved can feel confident.”
Because of his thorough, hands-on approach, Dax has established strong relationships with his Realtor® partners. “Agents have confidence that when they send clients to me, I won’t be wasting anyone’s time. Clients will be getting a comprehensive pre-approval and the right loan for their situation. “
When he isn’t working, Dax enjoys spending time with his family. He is also an avid photographer, often traveling throughout the country to photograph wildlife and sporting events.
Dax couldn’t be happier with where he’s at in his career, but wouldn’t mind expanding his business, by improving systems and efficiency further, in order to serve more people while maintaining the level of service he has become known for. “I really love meeting with people for the first time, and figuring out what best serves their individual needs and goals. People leave so thankful for the time and advice I give them. I really care about doing what’s best for them, and I think they notice the difference working with me. Knowing that I add value to their transaction and in turn their lives, is very satisfying.”
To learn more about Dax Tobin call 702.938.7553, Dax@DaxTobin.com or visit www.DaxTobin.com
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