Anne Koons

Top Real Estate Agent in New Jersey Anne Koons
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Top Real Estate Agent in New Jersey Anne Koons
Anne Koons of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, is marking her thirty-eighth year in the real estate industry by doubling down on her tried-and-true approaches to successful business practices: “Consistency is key in this line of work. I never shut my phone off – my family used to get mad at me about that, but I’m available seven days a week. You have to know your area, you have to know your contracts, and you have to be willing to learn. I read everything in the industry, whether it’s happening in New York, Florida, California, or here in south Jersey. I want to be ahead of it if I think it’s worthwhile!”
This penchant for continued education and entrepreneurship is an inherited disposition for Anne, who launched her career at the behest of her father. “He was in the trucking business,” she recalls, “and eventually he went into real estate developing warehouses, so he suggested I get my license as a REALTOR®.”
While her father encouraged her to pursue the commercial side of the industry, New Jersey Real Estate Agent Anne Koons gravitated toward residential real estate, and immediately fell in love – so much so that her son, Ben, also became a REALTOR®! “I really enjoy seeing people find the perfect home for them, and it’s my job to give them a view from a different standpoint. I balance the pros and cons, and think about the eventual resale value, to help them make a decision that balances passion with knowledge and expertise.”
Anne’s unique blend of interpersonal passion and industry experience helps her serve both South Jersey and Philadelphia as a solo agent with Berkshire Hathaway Home Services. She boasts a book of business that is over fifty percent repeat and referral clients, and she prides herself on clients who have regularly sought her out to sell homes that she helped them purchase.
“I’m selling a house in two weeks – I sold it to the current owners seventeen years ago. That’s why I make sure to keep in touch with everybody I’ve worked with throughout my career. My clients get emails once a week, postcards, market blasts; I keep my listings in the ‘Philadelphia Inquirer,’ and every Christmas, they get a box of cookies from me. Even people I worked with thirty years ago. Cookies for everybody!”
In addition to her diligent interpersonal networking, Anne was an early adopter of social media platforms to bolster her business, and she vividly remembers the moment when she decided to lean into Facebook as a marketing strategy. “At the time, I was like, ‘Who could possibly be using Facebook to look at listings?’ Then I got a call from someone offering to make me an offer, sight unseen, on a house – nobody expected that twelve to fifteen years ago, and now it’s common. I don’t recommend it – but it’s common!”
With her name cemented in the industry, and her marketing systems humming smoothly along, New Jersey Real Estate Agent Anne Koons is prepared to embrace our current market and navigate the financial terrain. “I’ve seen these things before – and I think they’re good for the industry as a whole. We’re going to see a lot of changes, but the strong will survive. This is just like any other job: you get out what you’re willing to put in!”
To learn more about Top Real Estate Agent in New Jersey Anne Koons
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- call O: 856-795-4709 / C: 856-261-5111.

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New Jersey Realtor Anne Koons