Tips on Being a Good Team Leader

Team Leader

Be a good team leader

Your business is booming, so much in fact, that you’ve finally made the decision to start a team. You’ve made sure it’s financially feasible, and you’ve found the right people, but there is still one other component of a successful team and that’s an effective leader. It’s your job to not only generate business, but to motivate your team, which in turn increases productivity. Here are a few simple tips on being a good team leader.

1) Evaluate each team member, making sure to utilize their strengths

Hiring the right people is one of the first steps in creating a successful team, but once you have those people it’s really important to figure out where they best fit into the operation. Having every team member be an ‘expert’ in their part of the process leads to seamless transactions and a business that runs like a well-oiled machine.

Of course, it’s also important to create a supportive atmosphere, that allows team members to stretch beyond their comfort zones under your guidance. It’s to the whole team’s advantage when people take initiatives to up their game by taking additional training or mastering a new and innovative technology that can improve productivity. The key is to constantly evaluate not only your systems but the people running them. It’s your job as a leader to encourage that personal growth while making sure to always protect against any major misfires. Which leads us to…

2) Always reevaluate what is and isn’t working

It’s a good idea to have a weekly meeting where the whole team can convene and go over any snags they may have hit in the systems that you developed when starting your team. Your team is in the trenches with you and since everyone probably focuses on a different aspect of the transaction, it’s important to make sure things are working on every level. Make sure copious notes are taken during these meetings so you have a track record of what was suggested, as well as a history of things that may have been tried and their results.

Another good thing to focus on in these meetings is goal setting. Set weekly and monthly goals, and use the meetings to discuss what’s being done or needs to be done to meet them. When goals are met, it’s a great bonding experience for everyone. When they aren’t, it’s a moment to learn how you can do better in the future. Don’t forget to always take in what you can do to be a better team leader as well.

3) Stay connected and in communication

These are your team members! There’s more to that than just a label. Be connected to them on a daily basis. Clear, open, and honest communication is important on a busy team and that’s much easier if you actually like and trust your co-workers.

Sure, you want to succeed for yourself, but knowing that other people you respect are counting on you, is an additional motivating factor that is certain to lead to everyone going above and beyond creating a wildly successful business when being a team leader.

4) Be Inspiring and supportive

If you’re enthusiastic about what you’re doing, it really will be infectious as a team leader. Encourage innovation and creativity. Yes, systems and consistency are great but don’t let your team get in a rut either.

Support their individual careers, always encourage them to go for more and let them rely on you for mentorship. If they sense that you want each member to succeed as much as you have, you won’t find more loyal employees.

And perhaps most importantly focus on what’s being done right. Don’t be the boss that just points out things they don’t like. Let them know when they’ve done an amazing job and be specific about what it is. Make them feel valued and they will become a valuable asset to you and your business.

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