Modern Email Etiquette for Today’s Agents

Email Etiquette, Workplace Etiquette, email writing

Modern Email Etiquette for Today’s Agents

Modern Email Etiquette -In today’s tech-forward culture, consumers are constantly inundated with promotional emails, alerts, invites, and social media blasts. As a real estate agent or a loan officer, how do you stand apart from the noise with proper email etiquette? What’s more, how do you stay relevant in a digital landscape that’s constantly changing?

For starters, there are a few timeless techniques you can apply to up your skillset when it comes email and digital communication: asking questions that inspire conversation, politeness, and following up regularly—to name a few. Likewise, there are surely new tricks you can add to your arsenal to stay ahead of the curve. Let’s outline a few ways you can refine and update to use modern email etiquette to compete in today’s virtual marketplace.

  • Make your subject line count.

Too often, we labor over the content of our emails without giving much thought to subject lines. However, these little headlines can go a long way in luring the consumer to open your email and ultimately click through to your website in search for your services. An enticing subject line should be short and sweet, ideally less than fifty characters. You might also include the name of the recipient, and be up front (though concise) about the subject matter of your message. Remember: the first thing a client will see is your name and subject line—be sure to make this prime real estate shine.

  • Think mobile.

Research tells us that 79% of Americans check their phones within fifteen minutes of waking up. In fact, much of modern day correspondence occurs by smartphone. Accordingly, you’ll want to account for email readability on a mobile phone. For instance, incorporating paragraph breaks for each new thought allows information to be parceled out in a palatable way for readers utilizing small screens. Also, any sort of graphic flair or links within your email should be shortened and streamlined for mobile consumption. Send yourself an email every now and again and access it from your phone—you’ll be able to double-check that all the elements of your emails are working well on a mobile platform.

  • Incorporate email tools

There are excellent tools out there to enhance your email experience. With just a quick download, you can add spellcheck, a URL address shortening feature, or a delay option that holds emails for thirty seconds before they’re sent. Think about the possibilities! Haven’t you sent an email without including the attachment you intended, or realizing you sent correspondence to the wrong client?

If that’s the case, a delay feature can help you save face and build in a window for error—just in case. Regardless of which tools speak to your email habits, there are plenty of add-ons out there that can revamp your digital correspondence style. Email etiquette is crucial in today’s professional environment, and these tools can assist you in mastering it effortlessly.

Additionally, practicing good email etiquette involves more than just using the right tools. It’s essential to be mindful of your tone, formatting, and timing when communicating via email. Remember to use clear and concise language, avoid using all caps or excessive punctuation, and respond promptly to emails to maintain professional relationships. By incorporating these principles into your email communication, you can ensure that your messages are well-received and convey professionalism and respect.

  • Use email to maximize your online presence.

These days, there are plenty of ways to communicate—email, text, phone, apps, and social media. When you interact through email, consider it an opportunity to invite your client to follow you elsewhere online. Ensure that your email signature includes unobtrusive, streamlined links to your social media accounts, professional website, or review page. This will build in an opportunity for clients to engage with your brand, and you may even add an online follower for the long term.

Though email is no longer a new-fangled invention, there are certainly ways you can modernize its use and take advantage of its ubiquity. Keep these approaches in mind as you reenergize your email technique and fortify your communication in the digital era.

Email Etiquette, business etiquette, communication skills

Email Etiquette

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