How to Decorate Your House Like a Professional

Decorate Your House

How to Decorate Your House Like a Professional

Decorate Your House – One thing that makes a big difference when it comes to selling your house to high-end clients is the interior design. You want to decorate your rooms so that they can give the buyer an idea of the wonderful possibilities of the different spaces. You might not be an interior designer, but we will show you how to fake it like a pro in this article.
  1. Decide a Room’s Purpose: Before you can decorate your house and start painting, you need to decide what the purpose of each room is. That purpose will then help you decide what color to paint it, what décor it needs, etc. You always want to start from this point, as it will lead you to the rest of the answers you are looking for. 
  1. Get Rid of Old Carpet: The first thing you have to do to decorate your house in every room of your house is rip out that nasty, old carpet. Then cover the floors with hardwood or laminate instead. If the buyer wants to add some softness, he or she can cover up sections with rugs that suit their own taste. Having to get rid of unwanted carpet will turn away many buyers immediately. The smooth, solid colored hard floors will also present the buyer with a blank canvas, upon which they can imagine adding their own bit of flair. 
  1. Paint the Walls Different Colors: Pick new, neutral colors to paint your walls. High ceilings are highly desired, but if you can’t actually raise yours, you can fake it with a few clever tricks. By painting the ceilings white or cream, the color makes the room feel larger. For side interior walls, choose either nice neutral colors to draw the attention towards a great view or piece of art, or you can try pairing white and cream with bold colors such as turquoise, emerald green, or deep blue. 
  1. Lighting: Lighting can make or break a room when you decorate your house. You want your rooms to be well-lit, but also want to make sure you can adjust the amount of light with dimmers. By layering different types of light, you can create the exact mood you want your buyers to feel by playing around with how bright each kind is until you’ve created the perfect atmosphere. Pendant lights are in style at the moment, with lights in all different shapes, sizes, materials, etc. 
  1. Add Texture: Texture is just as important as color. You may start with a room that is all one color, but after you add in décor such as linen draperies, a plush velvet chair, shiny silk cushions, rattan chairs, deep sofas, love seats, etc. in shades within the same color as well as lots of texture via the materials/fabrics, you will find that these elements please the eye and create a environment that can be warm, vibrant, soft, or rich, just to name a few. This is another area where you can choose certain décor to make a room seem taller or bigger. You can hang curtains at a taller height that the windows or lean a large mirror against one wall. 
  1. Add Some Art: Adding a few pieces of art to your walls can add focus and make a good space great. You can also set the tone of the room with carefully chosen pieces of art placed around the room. It can give the room a more unique, luxurious feel, but make sure you hang it at the right height. You want the center of the piece to be 57 to 60 inches above the floor. 
  1. Mix and Match Your Styles: It can be somewhat boring for an entire room, and god forbid every room, to be designed in the same consistent style. Mix and match your styles. Place modern elements to decorate your house such as a modern lamp next to classic heirlooms such as a vintage sideboard to make the space interesting and inviting.
Color Schemes, Decorating Trends, Decor Tips, DIY Decorating, Home Styling

How to Decorate Your House Like a Professional

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