4 Detailed Ways to Anticipate Your Client’s Needs

Anticipate Your Client's Needs

Anticipate Your Client’s Needs

First and foremost, the real estate industry is a customer service business. The key to any successful real estate business is one that can build a reputation by providing an unsurpassed level of care. That usually means a transaction that is seamless and stress-free as possible throughout the whole process.

Your client’s experience is what keeps them not only coming back, but gets them to recommend you to their friend and family.

The key to creating a great experience is to anticipate your client’s needs. They are relying on your professionalism and expertise. By showing you can not only anticipate their needs, but have insight into any potential problems that might arise, they will have complete confidence in you. Achieving that level of trust is the key to a transaction that is as stress-free as possible.

Get to know your clients on a personal level to Anticipate Your Client’s Needs

From the moment, you meet a potential client, your goal should be to find out not only what they are looking for as far as their real estate goals, but who they are as a person. Listening and asking the right questions from the start is one of the most important aspects of the job. You almost have to become an amateur psychologist, really honing in on the emotional reasons behind their real estate transaction.

Taking time upfront not only gives you valuable insight into your client, but it is the first impression your clients have that you truly care about them, and that this isn’t just another commission check for you. This goes miles in helping them feel comfortable enough to rely on your guidance.

Knowing who your client is on a deep level will help you navigate the transition ups and downs, allowing you to anticipate your client’s needs the best way to handle it.

Spot potential problems and provide solutions to Anticipate Your Client’s Needs

Having insight into your client’s personality type will come in handy when you anticipate an upcoming snag in the transaction. Most people find the process to be stressful even under the best of circumstances. One of the best rules of thumb is to always provide the solutions to anticipated problems when you present them to the client.

This should be the case even when the problem isn’t on you. Anything that can ruin a client’s overall experience can reflect poorly on you, whether you deserve it or not. This is a business philosophy called “zero risk”. You don’t want to take any chances with having an unsatisfied customer.

This is where your experience in the business pays off. You’ve probably seen most things and can easily anticipate problems that are likely to delay the process. Remember you are in charge. You are the expert. And, remember, part of avoiding potential problems is making sure your client knows what to expect upfront, always communicate openly and honestly.

Telling people what they want to hear and knowing you can’t deliver it, is destined to fail, and will always reflect poorly on you.

Find ways to exceed expectations to Anticipate Your Client’s Needs

Recognizing ways to exceed a customer’s needs is just as important as looking out for potential problems, when it comes to creating an exceptional experience. Have a vetted list of trusted service providers. Be hands on. There are Realtors® who are out there helping clients pack, mowing lawns, and picking kids up from school.

They are there for a client in ways that are unexpected. Having one thing taken off your plate during a stressful period in your life can feel like a lifesaver and is not soon forgotten. It is those “little” things that will turn a client into a lifelong advocate for your business.

Take in feedback to Anticipate Your Client’s Needs

A good service provider is always trying to do better to anticipate your client’s needs. Many Realtors® have clients fill out surveys after the transaction is over. This serves two purposes. It helps you become better at your job and it shows your clients that you care about them and their opinions. You can also use social media to get feedback via analytics and interactions.

All of this information can then be used to anticipate your client’s needs and create better customer experiences in the future. After all, this is a customer service industry. Treat it like one and you’re bound to succeed.

Customer Feedback, Client Needs, Client Service, Client Focused

4 Detailed Ways to Anticipate Your Client’s Needs

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